Mrs. Kepler

2nd Grade



 I am so excited to have you and your sweet kiddos in my class. Please check out this webpage for the important information. 

 Sign up for our Classroom Dojo! It is such a great way to communicate and I love to share pictures from our class. You will not want to miss out. 

About Mrs. Kepler

I am delighted to be your child’s new 2nd grade teacher! 

This is my second year teaching for Literacy First BUT my 8th year teaching 2nd grade and my 16th year teaching. I joined the Literacy First team because I have two kids who attend LFCS and knew I had to be part of all the amazing things going on at Literacy First. I love connecting, encouraging, and noticing individual effort in my students. 

This is going to be a GREAT year GROWING together!